Current Offerings
Workshops at the d.a.i.-Tübingen
I periodically offer workshops in English at the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut in Tübingen, Germany. Consult the d.a.i.-Tübingen website for more information.
Student comments
"Switching from a point-and-shoot 10 year old camera to a nice system camera was only one step for me in the direction of taking "good" photos. Of course there is a limit to what the technology allows, especially if you are only using automatic mode with a camera, so I found this great workshop with practical instruction on seeing interesting views and looking at photos differently. And to learn with which simple tricks you can actually get a better photo using the equipment you have at hand. The workshop by Lee McIntyre was fun and instructive and I went out and had new ideas and insights. ... If you have an opportunity for such a class with Lee McIntyre, I would strongly recommend it."
— T.T.
"Bis jetzt hab ich meine Digitalkamera kaum gekannt und "Angst" vor der Technik gehabt. Aber Lee, du hast es fertig gebracht, meine Angst zu nehmen. Nachdem ich deinen Kurs im dai besucht habe, weiß ich endlich, wie viele Möglichkeiten es gibt, tolle Bilder mit einer Digitalkamera zu machen."
— A.M.
Always wanted to learn how to get more from your photography, but weren't sure where to start? Let me show you how to have more fun with your photography, whether you're on vacation, at a party, taking photos indoors, or outdoors around town.
I firmly believe that anyone — from beginning to advanced — can benefit by learning just few simple, non-technical concepts about photography. It doesn't matter what kind of camera you have — I've taught people how to get more satisfying results with any kind of camera, including smart phones, point-and-shoot compact cameras, and "bridge" or dSLR cameras with removable lenses. After you learn to master just a few basic controls on your camera, I'll then show you how developing your photographer's "eye" will be your key to capturing more compelling photos.
- Private coaching offered for individuals or small groups (1-6 people max), in person in Tübingen, Germany or anywhere in the world via Skype or via other arrangement.
- Photo Walk Workshops are offered in Tübingen, Stuttgart, Munich, Bolzano, Verona or Venice, for both individuals and small groups.
- I can also be hired as a photography expert to add a photography component to your group's tour to anywhere in the world.
Courses can also be designed and customized according to your needs. Contact me for more information about availability, scheduling and pricing.
Training is normally conducted in English. Training in German or Italian is also available by special request.
2013-2014 workshops at the d.a.i.-Tübingen
I periodically teach small group public workshops in English at the Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut in Tübingen, Germany.
Consult the d.a.i.-Tübingen website for the current schedule and for on-line registration.
July 2014: Beyond the Basics: Taking Better Portraits
April 2014: Beyond the Selfie: Workshop for Teens
January 2014: Taking Better Photos with Any Camera - Part Two.
November 2013: Taking Better Photos with Any Camera - Part One.
June 2013: A Photography Walk Around Tübingen.
April 2013: Taking Better Photos with Any Camera - Part Two.
February 2013: Taking Better Photos with Any Camera - Part One.